You should always choose a reputable garage close to your working area that you can reach easily. A dealership in another part of town is not workable and location should be considered when purchasing your tuition vehicle. You need to fit repairs in between lessons, not take a day off. If it is an independent garage you choose make sure you research the quality of their work as standards vary.
Make sure the dealership knows you are a driving instructor from the start. We cannot take a taxi to work and no car means no job. Make sure the staff are sympathetic to your situation and realist the importance of getting you back on the road quickly. If they aren't, find another garage. Get on first name terms with the staff and be polite but firm about your needs. If they do look after you they will be securing a lot of business from you in the future as high mileage means a lot of servicing and repair work in the future.
I have a brilliant working relationship with my dealership and they will pull out all the stops to get me back on the road. Don't forget you are selling their make of vehicle for them by introducing it to new drivers. Potential customers are test driving their model every day and many pupils will go on to buy the make and model of car they learned in. I asked my garage to put up a Learn to Drive their make of car poster in the showroom with my details on and they offered me a deal to promote the car to learners with servicing discounts for any cars sold through me. This enhances a partnership between instructor and garage. Loyalty to a garage also brings serious discounts on servicing and repairs after a few years.

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